It is inevitable that “little hands” will handle the toys during the sale, so it is very important that you make sure you have secured your items and tags well! Bunny Tail ReSale is not responsible for damage to any toy or other item once on the floor.
Hangers - hang your clothes, coats, costumes, even blankets and bedding
Safety Pins and/or Tagging Gun - attach tags to clothing items, coats, costumes, blankets etc.
Zip Ties - tie shoes together, add extra item security by looping it through the item tag, combine toy parts.
Packing Tape - seal zip-top baggies shut, attach parts to toys, keep parts/pieces from coming open
Painter’s Tape - ideal for attaching tags to books or delicate items where you don’t want super sticky tape to damage your item
Zip-top Bags, Quart and Gallon sizes - good for keeping multiple pieces together
Giant Zip-top Bags - L, XL and XXL storage bags let you easily keep lots of pieces together in one place instead of multiple bags. Use the sturdy handles to zip tie to a larger toy piece (like dolls and furniture attached to a dollhouse)
Plastic Wrap - secure puzzle pieces or book sets without potentially damaging them with tape
60-67 lb White Cardstock Paper - for printing your barcoded tags so that they won't tear easily
Order your supplies here
1. Follow the Step-by-Step Guide for Traditional Consigning and the Guide for Entering Inventory.
2. To print tags, log into your MySaleManager account HERE and choose "Work with Consigned Inventory" from the 'Menu' tab.
3. From the Consignor Inventory Menu screen, select 'Print Tags' and then choose to “Print Selected Tags,” “Print All Tags (HTML),” or "Print All Tags (PDF)." You will need to have your pop-up blocker turned off. Internet Explorer and Google Chrome work best.
Print Selected Tags - you will see all of your inventory in order by item number and you may select which items you wish to print.
Under 'Tag Printing Options' you can choose to "Print Selected Tags," "Print All Tags," "Print All Un-Printed Tags," "Print
Only Discount Tags," or "Print Only Donate Tags."
The 'Print All Un-Printed Tag' option is really useful if you have already printed some tags or made a change to an
item and need to print a new tag.
Print All Tags (HTML) - creates a tag for every item in your inventory (6 per page). Simply print as you normally would.
Print All Tags (PDF) - creates a pdf file for every item in your inventory (6 per page). Once you open this file (Display Tags for Printing),
you can print as you normally would or save the file to print later. This is a good option in case something goes wrong
while printing.
4. Print all of your tags on 60-67 lb white cardstock paper.
- Don’t print too dark (or on the High Quality setting) especially on an inkjet printer, as this can affect the barcode and make it
impossible to scan.
- If the edges of the barcode lines are not clean and straight, you might need to align your print cartridges.
- If the format of the tags in your browser is not quite right, try printing the tags in .pdf format.
5. Cut out each tag.
6. Use a tagging gun, safety pins or tape (packing or painter’s) to affix tags to your items.
- All clothes MUST BE on hangers. All bedding needs to be on hangers as well, although we understand that sometimes this is not possible. Please do your best!
- Hang everything with the hanger’s hook opening to the left. It should look like a “?” or number “2”.
- For clothing, please attach your tag to the manufacturer’s tag at the neckline in your clothes to reduce holes. If there is no manufacturer’s tag, try to pin or tag into a seam as tagging guns especially can leave holes in the fabric.
- Attach the tag on the right side of the item on the hanger (as you are looking at it).
- Make sure your clothes/bedding STAY ON their hangers (safety pins, tape tabs, etc.).
- Use painter’s tape or packing tape to keep pants & skirts from sliding around on the hanger by making tabs with the tape over the top of the hanger and attaching the pants/skirt with safety pins through the tabs.
- If using multiple hangers to hold pieces of a set together, zip-tie or rubberband the hangers together so they don’t become separated. Make a note on the barcode tag as to how many pieces there should be.
- Do NOT use staples or straight pins.
- Secure the opening of bags with packing tape.
- Make sure items with multiple parts are securely taped and/or zip-tied together. Use packing tape as regular/scotch tape doesn’t hold well.
- Attach bags of accessories securely to your item with zip-ties or packing tape. Attach a handmade tag to the bag stating which item it belongs with in case it becomes separated, and also make a note on your barcode tag that it comes with a bag of accessories.
- If you have multiple large pieces or zip-top bags, it is a good idea to handwrite a second set of tags which state that each piece is one of a set. Include a brief description of the item as well.
Example: White child-sized table with 2 chairs - “(1 of 3) White table & 2 chairs” taped to the table,
“(2 of 3) White table & 2 chairs” & “3 of 3 White table & 2 chairs” taped to each of the chairs.
- Wrap puzzles in plastic wrap (wrap in both directions) to keep everything in order and secure.
- For extra security, add some packing tape over the plastic wrap on the back of the puzzle.
- To keep shoes from being separated, seal them in a zip-top bag or secure them with zip ties, pipe cleaners, or curling ribbon through laces, loops or buckles.
- If the shoes are not in a bag, attach the tag to a shoe with a safety pin or tape the tag to the tail of the zip-tie or pipe cleaner. Tags attached directly to the shoe with tape will probably come off.
- Shoes not in bags will probably sell better, so avoid putting shoes in bags when at all possible.
- Use painter’s tape to attach tags to books or delicate items where you don’t want super sticky tape to damage your item when it's removed.
- The MOST IMPORTANT tip for tagging is to SECURE the tag well!
We will not be able to sell an item if the tag becomes separated and can not be found.
Also, we will not know who the item is being consigned by and it will be placed in a lost and found pile which consignors can look
through at pick-up. Any items not claimed after the stated time on pick-up day will be donated to our charity.
- Place a piece of packing tape over your safety pin to keep the tag from tearing off.
- If using a tagging gun, use 2 barbs to attach each tag in case one tears off.
- DO NOT TAPE OVER BARCODES. Tape interferes with the scanners at checkout, and you want your items as easy to buy as possible!
- Make sure all bags/boxes are TAPED SHUT with packing tape.
- Extra precaution, write your consignor #, item # and price on a piece of masking tape and place on your item. We can use this to identify your item if the tag is lost. DO NOT ATTACH A DUPLICATE BARCODE TAG.
- Do NOT cut the tail off of a zip tie to make it look “neater.” It will leave a sharp plastic edge that will likely end up scratching someone.
- Combining items, when appropriate, can help your items sell. For example, pair a dress with tights or gym shorts with a hoodie, combine a series of books together in a zip top bag, or combine a playhouse with a few accessories like furniture or dolls. For clothing, the sizes need to match.
- Include any manuals or instructions you have with your items (or download and print them from the internet) by placing them in zip-top bags and zip-tieing or taping them to your items.
Loss, Theft & Damages
Unfortunately, theft and damages may happen to items during the sale. Each consignor must sign an agreement stating that Bunny Tail ReSale is not responsible for loss, theft or damage of any item they have consigned. Be assured that we will be taking every precaution to make sure that your items stay safe and secure before, during and after the sale.